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Christine Yau

What is the best way to heal cracked heels?

Cracked heels can be hard to treat because they are often caused by a combination of factors, such as dry skin, lack of moisture, poor foot hygiene, and underlying medical conditions. These factors can make it difficult to address the root cause of the problem and effectively heal the cracks. Additionally, if the cracks are deep or painful, it can be difficult for the individual to walk or bear weight on their heels, which can further complicate treatment. Finally, if the individual is not consistent with their treatment plan or does not follow the recommended precautions, the cracks may continue to worsen or reoccur.

There are several ways to heal cracked heels:

  1. Soak your feet in warm water: Fill a tub or basin with warm water and add Epsom salt or a few drops of essential oils. Soak your feet for 15-20 minutes to soften the skin and make it easier to remove dead skin cells.

  2. Use a pumice stone: After soaking your feet, gently rub a pumice stone over the cracked areas to remove dead skin and smooth out roughness. Be sure to rinse the pumice stone often to avoid spreading bacteria.

  3. Apply a moisturizing cream or oil: After drying your feet, apply a thick moisturizing cream or oil to the cracked areas. Massage the product into the skin to help it absorb better.

  4. Wear comfortable shoes: Avoid wearing tight or constricting shoes that may cause further irritation to the skin. Choose shoes that have a wide toe box and a cushioned sole to help protect your feet.

  5. Use a heel balm: Look for a heel balm that contains urea or alpha hydroxy acid, which can help soften and exfoliate rough skin. Apply the balm to your heels before bed and cover your feet with socks to lock in the moisture.

  6. Protect your feet: Wear flip flops or sandals when walking in public areas to avoid picking up bacteria and infections that can worsen cracked heels.

  7. Wearing socks and shoes that provide enough support and cushioning to prevent further irritation.

  8. Using a heel pad or insole to redistribute weight and pressure on the heel.

  9. Wearing orthotics or inserts prescribed by the podiatrist to help correct any underlying biomechanical issues that may be contributing to the problem.

  10. Seeking Podiatrist medical treatment for medication and management plan of calluses

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